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Meet the Founder
Welcome to The Health Puzzle (THP). My name is Josie Shillabeer, I am a nutritional therapist and the founder of The Health Puzzle.
The idea for THP came to be back in 2012 when I began to experience severe anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia, which led me to take a two-year break from my university studies.

I had no idea what was happening to my mind and body and no understanding of how I could rebalance myself so that I could return to university and finish my Geography degree.
I was desperate to find a resource like this that would give me:
1) Hope that I could get better.
2) Explanations of what was potentially happening in my mind and body.
3) Simple and practical guidance on changes that I could put into place to help me take control of my health.
4) A directory of products, services and healthcare professionals that could help to supercharge my progress.
I was not able to find what I was looking for all in one place and instead have spent many thousands of hours and pounds scouring the internet, courses, books and personal interactions to gather all of the information I needed to support and optimise my health.
After training to become a nutritional therapist (at the prestigious College of Naturopathic Medicine), I decided to take the leap and work on my dream of creating the resource I once needed. Bringing together everything I have learnt and continue to learn.
Why did I call it The Health Puzzle?
I spent many years looking for a magic pill that would fix me and instead over my journey looking to overcome numerous health imbalances (anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia, chronic fatigue, IBS and fibromyalgia) I found that it was more like a puzzle.

Each new piece of information, new nutrition change, new lifestyle change, etc not only brought me fresh hope but when added to previous changes (puzzle pieces) I had already put in place all added up, forming my health puzzle. Not all pieces worked for me even if they had worked for someone else but when I found one that did it was the best feeling in the world.
Qualifications & Associations

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