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How to feel calmer & more in control this Christmas

'No one is going to tell you "right it is time for you to take some me time now"

Josie Shillabeer Nutritional Therapist image with writing below saying Author Josie Shillabeer (BA Hons, DipNUT) Nutritional Therapist and Founder of The Health Puzzle.

While Christmas is often associated with feelings of joy, excitement and togetherness it can also be a time of increased stress and feeling overwhelmed.

This Christmas, it is essential to prioritise your health and wellbeing so that you do not start the new year exhausted and unbalanced.

In this blog post, we will explore a range of techniques that you can use to help you feel calmer and more centred this Christmas.

Set Realistic Expectations

One of the leading causes of stress and overwhelm during the Christmas holidays is due to setting unrealistic expectations. We might like to take part in lots of festive activities, visit everyone we have ever known and wrap all of the presents perfectly with pretty bows; but we often do not take a step back to work out what is actually achievable.

This Christmas make a list of all the tasks and activities you would like to do. Then go back through the list and highlight all of the things on that list you really want or have to do.

Next have a look at your diary and work out how you are going to fit in all of the essential tasks and activities. Finally, take another look at your plans and double check that you have not jam packed your holiday with so many tasks and activities that you are going to burn yourself out.

By starting the Christmas holidays with a clearer plan and time set aside for rest and relaxation, it is one great way to feel calmer this Christmas.

Delegate and Share Responsibilities

Most people are unable to read minds and are blissfully unware that you might require some assistance. It can take some practice asking for help if you are not use to doing it and this Christmas holiday is the perfect time to start.

Whether it is decorating, cooking, cleaning, driving or gift wrapping, sharing the workload can help to alleviate stress. If you do not have a friend or family member you are able to ask consider looking for a local service to step in or tell your loved ones that this year you are going to do things differently. For example buying your turkey pre-prepared or just giving one present to each person rather than many so you have less shopping and wrapping to do.

Limit your Screen Time

While seeing what other people are up to on social media or watching your favourite box set might be tempting don't forget to spend some time in reality this Christmas.

Watching the highlight reel of other people experiencing the best Christmas ever can bring up a lot of negative emotions and seeing endless adverts can further exacerbate stress and anxiety.

Consider a walk in nature, take a lovely warm bath, play a board game or visit a friend or family member as enjoy being in their company for a while.

Keep Your Blood Sugar Levels Balanced

Keep your blood sugar levels stable throughout the festive season this year. When our blood sugars levels increase and decrease like a rollercoaster it can lead to lots of unwanted symptoms, such as, anxiety, irritability and fatigue.

By eating carbohydrates, protein and fat with every meal and snack it can help to keep your blood sugar levels more balanced. If you are not sure how to do this then keep and eye out for our upcoming nutrition mini course being released next year which will teach you everything you need to know about carbohydrates, fats, protein and more!

Me Time

It can be so easy to get caught up in taking care of other people and cramming in as many tasks and activities as possible but do not forget to take care of yourself this Christmas.

No one is going to tell you "right it is time for you to have some me time now", you have to take responsibility. While you might not have time to take a 60 minute bubble bath, you can find five minutes to do some stretching, look out of the window, read three pages of your new book or enjoy a lovely herbal tea.

Make Sleep A Priority

Christmas can be a great time for socialising and having fun but it is also a very busy and overstimulating time of year. To avoid entering the new year burnt-out and sleep deprived or spoiling your Christmas day by feeling under the weather make sure to look after your basic needs.

One of our most important basic needs that needs to be met is getting enough sleep. Try to keep to your usual bedtime routine where ever possible and if you need to have a powernap do so unashamedly.

Deep Breathing

Breathing technique can be a very powerful tool to help us feel calm and in control. There are two techniques that I am going to share with you.

The first technique is called box breathing and can be used during the holidays when you feel any sudden and strong emotions like stress or irritation.

  1. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down.

  2. Put one hand on your belly and one on your chest.

  3. Close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath in through your nose for a count of 4 (1..2..3..4..).

  4. Hold your breath for four seconds (1..2..3..4..) and allow your body a moment of stillness.

  5. Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of 4 (1..2..3..4..), blowing away any negative emotion and tension from the body.

  6. Pause for a count of 4 (1..2..3..4..) before taking your next inhale through the nose.

  7. Repeat this cycle three times or continue for a few minutes until you regain a sense of calm.

The second breathing technique is called 4-7-8 breathing and can be used during times when you would like to more deeply relax, such as, before bed or while sat on a bench in the park.

  1. Sit or lie comfortably and put one hand on your belly and one on your chest.

  2. Close your eyes and inhale for a count of 4 (1..2..3..4..)

  3. Hold your breath for a count of 7 (1..2..3..4..5..6..7..)

  4. Slowly exhale for a count of 8 (1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..)

  5. Repeat four times.

It may take a bit of practice when you are first starting and you might like to begin with a count of 4 in, hold for 5 and breath out for 6.

When you are practicing breathing technique be sure to draw your breath into your belly first like your are blowing up a balloon before breathing up into the diaphragm and chest.

We wish you a calmer and more relaxing Christmas.

Merry Christmas from THP x

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